Thursday began with rain showers at about 5:00 am. Yes, rain. The temperature dropped from 95 degrees yesterday to about 55 degrees this morning. No sun means no battery recharging via solar panels, so I kept quiet to conserve battery power for most of the morning. Once the sun poked out of the clouds I could start using power again, so I fired up the furnace and the laptop…

Thursday was the last day of most scheduled activities. There were were a few seminars, but none of interest to me.  There was a chili cook-off for lunch, which was fun, and there was the “Closing Ceremony”.  Also, there was a “Birthday Bash” (cupcakes) for Kay Peterson, the founder of Escapees, who is 90 years old.  It’s an interesting story… Check out the Escapee website for more information.  For a link to their website, click Escapees

I also had my truck weighed…

Escapees has an excellent “Smart Weigh” program that lets RVers know all about their rigs and if they should be doing anything to better handle the weight of all the stuff that we seem to be hauling around.  First they weigh the tow vehicle solo. Next they weight the TV and the trailer connected. For best results, everything is supposed to be loaded as you would be for traveling.

So today we weighed my new truck.  I’ll write more about the results later…

The highlight of Thursday was a meet-up with Bill and Maureen Ball, old Airstream friends who now live in the Tucson area.  So after my truck weigh-in, I headed north towards Tuscon, stopping for fuel along the way. (It’s WAY easier to maneuver through a gas station without the Airstream in tow…)

We met for an early dinner in Downtown Tucson, at Cafe Poca Cosa. It is a avant garde Mexican place, with a very innovative chef.  Maureen didn’t want her picture posted, so she took one of me…

The menu is written in Spanish on a blackboard, and our waiter translated. The food was unique, very good, very interesting, and an enjoyable time was had by all…

I arrived back at the Airstream as darkness fell…